A personal health budget is an agreed amount of money between you or your representative and the local clinical commissioning group (CCG). This can be used to support your identified healthcare and wellbeing needs in a way that is based around your personal life.
Your personal health budget revolves around your care plan which is set out to help you decide your health and wellbeing goals. By personalising your care, this provides more choice, control and flexibility over your healthcare. The personal health budget can be used for a variety of options including, therapies, personal care and equipment.
At Empowering U, we can hold the money for you in your own managed bank account in what is described as a third-party approach by the NHS, to then help you decide how to spend it. By taking care of the admin on your behalf, you can concentrate on making the most out of your budget.
You also have the choice of direct payments for healthcare where the money is given to you to buy the care and support you and your local NHS team decide you need.